Certified repair facilities can offer coupons on the RepairPal platform
RepairPal, the largest trusted auto repair network for high quality and fair prices, is thrilled to announce an exciting new feature for consumers. Starting in October, Certified facilities (shops and dealers) will have the opportunity to offer exclusive coupons through the RepairPal platform. Many RepairPal repair facilities offer coupons and deals on their own websites, or at the counter, so being able to offer them on the RepairPal website is an important way to increase consumer awareness of these high quality facilities and helps incentivize consumers to take care of maintenance and needed repairs sooner, before they escalate into more costly repairs or safety issues on the road.
RepairPal's Certified repair facilities, known for their commitment to quality, trustworthiness, and exceptional service, have consistently delivered peace of mind to vehicle owners across the country. The introduction of coupons is yet another step in enhancing the experience for both Certified facilities and new customers in need of maintenance or repair on the repairpal.com website.
We are always looking for ways to empower our Certified shops and dealers and improve the customer experience. Our new coupon feature allows Certified facilities to offer special deals to attract and retain customers while maintaining our high standards of service quality.
Melanie Cipher, Product Manager at RepairPal
Key features of the coupon feature include:
1. Increased Visibility: Coupons will be prominently displayed on the RepairPal platform, ensuring that potential customers in the area can easily discover and take advantage of these limited-time offers.
2. Streamlined Redemption: Customers can redeem coupons directly at the Certified shop or dealer, simplifying the process and making it convenient for all parties involved.
RepairPal's new coupon feature aims to boost business for Certified auto repair centers while maintaining the high-quality standards that RepairPal is known for. It's a win-win for shops, dealers, and customers alike, as it provides both savings and peace of mind.
During these economic times in particular, it highlights the commitment RepairPal facilities have to fair prices and repairs done right the first time. Certified shops and dealers interested in participating in this program can start creating coupons anytime! Check out the Success Article for more information.
About RepairPal:
Established in 2007, RepairPal connects consumers with certified trustworthy mechanics throughout the US. Large trusted companies including USAA, CarMax and Consumer Reports send their members and customers to RepairPal Certified shops and dealers, knowing they will get high-quality repairs at a fair price. More information is available at www.RepairPal.com.
Please contact pr@repairpal.com with questions or for further information.