Auto repair at JustAnswer is one of our most popular categories, with millions of people from around the world seeking professional help on our platform. However, not every problem or repair can be fixed through online help. That’s why we’re looking forward to recommending RepairPal Certified shops to our customers, where we know they will receive affordable, high-quality repairs from mechanics they can trust. And with RepairPal’s integration of our service, the DIYer gets the expert help they need to solve their mechanical problems quickly and affordably.
JustAnswer CEO and Founder Andy Kurtzig
“RepairPal is excited about this partnership with JustAnswer because they make fast, affordable expert help available to people everywhere. As part of helping consumers solve problems and answer questions about their cars, when they aren’t able to self-serve, JustAnswer connects them online with RepairPal's nationwide network of Certified repair shops. These shops will offer JustAnswer members a high-quality repair experience, charge them fairly for any needed repairs or maintenance and give the best possible customer service." said Kathleen Long Chief Revenue Officer for RepairPal.
Kathleen Long Chief Revenue Officer, RepairPal