RepairPal is thrilled to announce the new texting service with Riptide! This new capability will help customers get in touch with Certified facilities to consult quickly and easily before booking an appointment. We know texting is the preferred form of communication for customers in nearly every industry. Riptide’s texting service allows the RepairPal network to conveniently connect with customers before they step foot in the door. Shops and dealers now have the most effective method of communication as part of our core services to increase operational efficiency and decrease response time to inquiring customers; which will increase their overall business, in addition to providing high-level customer service.
Landon Miller, RepairPal Vice President of Shops
With Riptide, consumers get the quick response they expect from otherwise busy shops while RepairPal efficiently orchestrates and monitors every conversation to ensure they are reflective of their brand. We’re excited to work with RepairPal to enhance communication and collaboration across their entire network for every consumer visit.
Doug Marinaro, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Riptide

As a RepairPal Certified shop owner, I truly value the RepairPal network that refers customers our way. As with most shops I’m really busy trying to stay on top of day-to-day operations so I can’t always respond to customers as fast as they would like. With Riptide, I’m now able to respond in minutes.
Patrick Banta , owner of San Francisco Automotive Solutions, the leading auto repair business in San Francisco for over 30 years, and co-founder of Riptide