Our collaboration with KeySavvy provides the RepairPal network with more opportunities to build new customer relationships with private parties looking to buy or sell their vehicle.Our collaboration with KeySavvy provides the RepairPal network with more opportunities to expand beyond simple and secure transaction services to private parties looking to buy or sell their vehicle. With the increased demand of used vehicles in the market today, we look forward to providing KeySavvy customers with a trusted Certified network of shops and dealers for pre-purchase inspections as well as on-going repairs and maintenance before or after the sale
Kathleen Long, Chief Revenue Officer at RepairPal
When buying a used car from a private seller, it’s critical to have a pre-purchase inspection performed by an experienced mechanic. I’m excited to help our customers find the best shops by leveraging RepairPal’s rigorous certification process and nationwide network.
Andrew Crowell, Chief Executive Officer at KeySavvyQuote from KeySavvy