San Francisco, CA - RepairPal, America’s largest trusted auto repair network has achieved 3,500 RepairPal Certified repair locations nationwide. To become RepairPal Certified, each auto repair shop and dealership undergoes a rigorous certification process guaranteeing high-quality repairs at fair prices, backed by a strong repair warranty.
RepairPal's Certification process is broken down into several categories, including technical assessment, customer satisfaction, warranty, and fair prices.
Technical Assessment: Experience and Training, Equipment and Parts
Customer Satisfaction: Unbiased process and verified customers
Warranty: Minimum 12 months, 12,000 miles
Fair Prices: Calculated by the Estimator and RepairPal guaranteed
Every team member at RepairPal has made contributions to reach this historical milestone of 3,500 Certified repair facilities at the company. RepairPal continues to evolve and grow while maintaining our core values by remaining authentic, a force for good, collaborative, disruptive, and driven. As a consumer, mission-based company, we will continue to bring trust and transparency to auto repair by helping millions of customers feel confident that they’re getting the best price.
Kathleen Long, RepairPal’s CRO
Consumers visiting have the power to search and compare Certified repair facility information near them, as well as book an appointment and read reviews from verified customers.
Over 75 companies including USAA, CarMax, and Consumer Reports refer their members and customers to RepairPal Certified locations. Not only do these companies help their customers get great repairs at fair prices, but they also gain revenue share from RepairPal.
About RepairPal
Established in 2007, RepairPal connects consumers with certified trustworthy mechanics and technicians throughout the US. Large trusted companies including USAA, CarMax, and Consumer Reports send their members and customers to RepairPal Certified locations, knowing they will get high-quality repairs at a fair price. More information is available at
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