RepairPal stands with our shops during this and any difficult times. From the shop owner living in his shop because his home is destroyed, to the shops closed and evacuated, to those who have been spared but are doing their best to valiantly help out their not-as-lucky neighboring shops, we’re here and helping out too, including waiving our monthly fees to help shops acquire new business and cut costs during this difficult time.
Kathleen Long, CRO, RepairPal
Find a partner shop you can refer your customers to while you rebuild. It is best to build this relationship before disaster strikes, taking care of your business in advance just as you would a family member. I also recommend that when in recovery or partial operations mode, that you schedule carefully and strategically, ensuring you help customers with the most severe problems first, and reschedule those who can wait. Helping someone in their moment of greatest need helps you to retain that customer for life, and in emergency situations, most customers with more minor issues will be patient with any delays.
Kathleen Long, CRO, RepairPal